Christian Drug Treatment
Christian drug treatment programs used a faith-based approach to help people get off drugs. These types of drug treatment centers have a good rate of success for people that believe in God. Many times when a person that believes in God gets addicted to drugs, as well as alcohol, they have lost their faith and a Christian drug treatment program can help these people find their faith, which makes it more likely they will get sober. This type of drug program is very structured and it with the help of the word of God, the Bible, people can get to the core of their substance abuse problem. Many times a Christian drug program will use a faith based 12-step program using the Bible to go along with the typical 12 steps used in both Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous.
How Christian Drug Treatment Differs from Traditional Treatment
While the ultimate goal if a Christian and traditional drug treatment program is the same, which is to help the person get off drugs, there are several differences. The one main difference between Christian treatment centers and other types of treatment centers is pretty obvious, as it is a more spiritual rehabilitation. The way a Christian drug treatment works can be very effective in curing people that are addicted to drugs of various faiths and beliefs. No matter what type of Christian belief a user has a more a faith based rehab program can help.
Every type of drug treatment center uses various strategies in order to help their patients get off drugs. Christian drug treatment centers cannot only offer medical treatment, but also behavioral therapy that is faith based. Any type of inpatient drug treatment center can help a patient with the use of medication and this is especially the case if they have to go through the detoxification process. After the detox process if over the patient will go through counseling, which will be faith based. Many times Bible study goes hand in hand with the counseling. At Christian drug treatment centers there can be one on one counseling, group counseling, and family and friends counseling.
One of the main reasons Christian drug programs differ from traditional programs is that in a traditional program the treatment is over when the person goes through a detox program and counseling. Many times in typical treatments the person will suffer a relapse after they complete the program. In a Christian drug treatment program the patient will get continued counseling even when the treatment is over. This is also important in a typical treatment program, as even when the treatment is over ongoing counseling will lessen the chance of a relapse.
A Christian drug treatment program will have a spiritual aspect that is not offered with a traditional treatment program. A patient will be shown various philosophies in the Bible and they can take inspiration from them in their effort to get sober. This is one of the main aspects of a Christian drug treatment program.
One thing that is similar between Christian treatment centers and traditional treatment centers is that the user should make sure they are choosing the right program. How addicted a person is to drugs should factor in the decision. There are many Christian treatment centers and a person should talk to a professional
drug counselor so they choose the right program for their specific situation. Many times, considering the treatment is faith based, a person can talk to a pastor, rabbi, or priest to get their input on what program would be good for them.
Services Offered at Christian Drug Treatment Centers
Besides offering detoxification and behavioral therapy Christian treatment centers will also offer Bible study groups and prayer groups. These types of groups can help the person reestablish their relationship with God. These group sessions are great for the patient not only because they are strengthening their faith, but also they offer support for the user since they will be around other people that are going through the same problems they are. This group atmosphere based on spiritual faith can greatly help the person get on the road to recovery.
The combination of typical drug treatment and faith based counseling is what many people need to kick their drug habit. Most Christian treatment centers know the bond of family and friends, which is why so many offer friends and family group therapy. When a user sees how their addiction has effects the people they love it can help them, especially helping them from suffering a relapse.
If a Christian drug treatment center does not have continuing counseling after the program is over they can help the person get in contact with it. This is very important since the person will have the addiction, especially psychologically, for some time after the drug program is over. Many churches will have counseling to help with people that are recovering addicts.
Recovery from Addiction at Christian Drug Treatment Centers
As stated before the main goal of any type of drug treatment center is to help the person get off drugs. However, if a person has a strong faith they should take advantage of the spiritual aspects that a Christian drug treatment center can offer. Drug addiction is not just physical, but also psychological and with the spiritual healing that a faith based drug treatment center can offer it can give the user a better chance of success. Recovery from addiction at drug treatment centers is not easy, but forming a stronger relationship with God at a Christian drug treatment center can make it more likely that a person will recover from their addiction. This is the main reason why the recovery rates tend to be better at Christian treatment centers. Because of this any person that has a spiritual belief in God and is addicted to drugs should seek treatment at these types of drug treatment centers. Whether it is an inpatient or outpatient Christian drug treatment center they can use the word of God to help people battle their addictions.